Monday, September 11, 2006

Beach Relaxation

We just got back from the beach. We sold out to do a timeshare spiel in exchange for a free night at the RonJon resort. Yes, that's right, RonJon now has a timeshare. The address is Cocoa Beach, but it's technically located in Cape Canaveral. And you all know how I feel about the Canaveral beaches. :) That is.. if you've read this blog you do. haha. However, that also meant that we could see the shuttle launch site from the resort! How cool would THAT be?! Unfortunately it just went up on Saturday. We saw it in Orlando though. It's so amazing to see that fiery tail and huge smoke trail blaze into outer space in minutes. We've seen it 3 times now, and I still get excited. I think I may even post a photo of the trail for you all even though it's not wildlife related. We really need to try to see it up close. Wow. I'm told you can often actually hear it landing here. It sounds like a very very large sonic boom. We've never been lucky enough to hear it, but our friends have! The conditions have to be right where you live.

Anyway, back to the beach. It was lovely and relaxing. The waves were HUGE due to Florence. That was GREAT for our boogie boarding! (Any of my relatives remember that?) There were also tons of surfers. One of the maintenance guys pointed out where some turtle nesting sites were, but we didn't get out to check if any hatched last night. :( I really want to see that! The beach was in a very natural condition, and we saw lots of what seemed to be least terns, but I'm not sure since my trusty bird guide is still packed away from the move.

The take home message though? Do the timeshare thing for free stuff if you can stomach a sales pitch, but it's too expensive for the average Joe to actually buy into!


At 12:33 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Yay, boogie boarding!! I remember those days. Remember Le Tube??

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Ron Salas said...

Of COURSE I remember Le Tube! hahaha. That was FUN. And guess what I saw at Uncle Andy's.... the tiny, tied together water skis that we thought we were so hot on! hahaha.


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