Labor Day at Leu Gardens

Ron finally saw a blue-tailed skink! I caught a flash of his blue tail high up in a tree. I've only seen them a few times. Of course we saw lots of birds and squirrels as well. One red-bellied woodpecker came very near us.
Most of the flowers weren't in bloom since it's so late in the summer. The butterfly garden was probably still the most colorful. There were butterflies all over the place. We even saw a very dark orange one that I've never seen before.

Oh, and that frog from Sunday? We thought we'd lost him, but this morning when I walked back into the apartment from the balcony, guess who hopped in with me?!?! I had to catch him and escort him back to his proper home. It was very amusing.
That's funny that you wrote about a blue-tailed skink...they were all over the place when I worked at Capital One! I'd go outside on the plaza thing to have lunch, and just about every day I'd see one running around in the bushes. They cracked me up!
So cool Heath! Thanks! They're pretty huh? I'd never seen one til we moved here. I think I saw a big skink in Norfolk one time too, but didn't know what it was at the time.
We saw tons of skinks in Chad and all young skinks (as far as I know) have blue tails. Only the Five Striped Skink keeps it's blue tail through adulthood.
I was always fascinated in the difference between skinks and lizards. We had Agama lizards in Chad and they were incredibly interesting to watch. Especially the social structure. The "alpha" male Agama has an orange head and tail with a purple body. All others are plain brown. When an "alpha" male is deposed or dies, another male will take it's place and gradually change color to the orange and purple. If the previous "alpha" is deposed, he will revert to his old drab brown color.
Brenda used to feed them Cheerios and named every one of them! lol All beginning with a "B". Bert, Bart, Ben, etc. etc.
Love ya bunches kiddo,
PS Posted new stuff on my rants BLOG if you're interested. I'm going to try tomorrow to get a pic of that supid Crested Grebe and get it up on our travel BLOG!
yeah. :) That's why they call the five lined skink a blue tailed skink here... b/c it doesn't lose its blue tail.
We have Agamas in the Oasis too. :) They're pretty cute. I didn't know that about their coloring. Cool Dad!
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