Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Bok Sanctuary - back post from summer

Edward Bok, early 1900's editor of Ladies Home Journal, collector of famous signatures, and wealthy, nature loving man, decided to create a sanctuary for himself on his estate that would be left for future generations after his death. This is called Bok Sanctuary in Lake Wales, FL. Ron and I had always wanted to visit and hear the carillion from the Bell Tower at the highest point on grounds. At 298ft above sea level, it is very high indeed for Florida. It made me laugh though when I thought about the fact that I used to live thousands of feet above sea level.

The sanctuary is an amazing haven for all kinds of creatures and rare plants. One
plant that startled me was the Australian tree fern. It literally was a fern that looked like a tree! So bizarre. This monstrosity of a plant had no sign, so I have no idea what it is. I just know it's cool! The whole sanctuary was laid out beautifully with gorgeous architecture. It was a normal Florida summer day - HOT, and muggy. But we had a great time anyway.

The Bell Tower is a gorgeous homeage to native animals and stone.

After looking it up, I believe this is a hispid cotton rat. It was very cute, totally unafraid of people, and we saw them everywhere.

There was also a beautiful little hut with a window from which you could observe the animals at the pond. I saw the most wood ducks I've ever seen at one time! There had to be at least 60 of them! They're such an elegant little duck. I would have gotten a photo except that we startled them. We also saw a few turtles and some black snakes.

When we couldn't stand the heat any longer, we explored the gift shop and beautiful cafe. All in all, it was a beautiful day in a place I highly recommend.
Now I'm finally caught up!!


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