A barred owl's snack on the run
Remember how I said this past winter that the birds were behaving strangely? Well, I have a great story for you that illustrates it. I didn't have my camera at the time, so I didn't post until a co-worker sent me a photo to go along with it. Thanks Amanda for the photo! And thanks to Ron for cleaning it up so nicely!
Anyway, our office at work is housed inside the first aid station. We were just settling down to lunch when we heard a knock on the door. When I opened it the nurse rattled off something about, "owl," and "rabbit." I rushed out with her to see what was wrong.
When I got to the front of first aid, I saw guests with cameras trained on a small wooded patch not 10 feet from where they stood. There, on the ground, was a barred owl clutching a rabbit. The rabbit was too heavy for it to fly away with, so it was eating it right there in the middle of the day amongst dozens of people!! I couldn't believe it! Barred owls are generally shy, so this was an amazing opportunity. It sat there eating for at least another half an hour before it finally flew away. I came back to watch it again and again. I don't know if there were just too many youngsters that year that the competition for food was stiff, or what, but there was a lot of odd behavior going on.
Here's the photo. It's a lot closer than it looks. That was taken with a cell phone. I was excited for days. I think my co-workers thought I was nuts. :)

Labels: bird watching, nature
Hey Buzz, that's very odd. I've never known a barn owl to tackle anything that large. Was it a baby rabbit or a pygmy rabbit? If it was a full grown cottontail, that's an awfully large meal for a bird that size!
Oddly enough, I saw a coot with a VERY large fish in it's mouth. Not odd for it to be eating a fish but the fish was WAY too big for it to swallow like it normally would. It just swam around for the 15 minutes I was watching it holding that fish in it's bill. I don't know if it ever actually tried to swallow it or not but if it did, I would think it would have a harde time.
Of course coots aren't known as the brains of the bird world. One female here has built 3 nests in the exact same spot, only to have the water rise over the level of the nest every single time. Good thing they breed a lot!
Yeah I know. The birds all acted VERY strangely this year. We had an immature red shouldered hawk trying to catch things way too big for it.. intercepting food we threw to the storks, etc. It was like they were all desperate for anything. Something was up.
It wasn't a cottontail, it was a full grown marsh rabbit. They aren't quite as big, but still too big for the owl.
I've seen a moorhen do that with a small (still too large) trout too! Just swim around and around and around. Goofs.
Thanks for the comment!
Very interesting...and also very UGGGGHHHH. After my backyard rabbit experience, I'm not sure if I could have watched that owl go to town! :-)
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