Thursday, June 29, 2006

An Introduction

I have kept a diary for most of my life. However, I never considered blogging. I watched blogging grow in popularity yet never really felt like posting my personal feelings on the world wide web. Then my husband Ron and I moved to Florida and started visiting places with the express intent of finding certain types of wildlife. Capturing our adventures in my journal didn't quite cut it. I couldn't add photos, and I wanted to share the wonder at what we discovered with anyone who cared! Thus, I finally found a reason to want to create a blog. I plan on posting back posts starting with our move to Florida. We've obviously had wildlife interactions before that. Some include seeing frigate birds in Antigua, iguanas in Puerto Rico (on the runway!) and a beaver in Ellicott Creek in Tonawanda. We weren't taking trips specifically for wildlife viewing until now though. This will be a nice way for us to keep those memories alive. I will post one every few days or so until our next big adventure (Alaska!), and then will hopefully be up to date. We hope you enjoy!